Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Loss & The Temptations

I'm not going to take any stock in the 2.6lbs that I've apparently lost in the last 48 hours. I'm just going to chock it up to awareness of what I'm putting in my body.
Did you know that for St Patricks day yesterday that there was a lunch room full of green cupcakes, cookies and cinnamon rolls? And that flourey, sugary foods are my weakness? And that green is my favorite color? Oh, well that last tidbit probably doesn't matter too much.. Except that the cupcakes were green.
But I just want to point out that I didn't have one. Not a single taste of anything in the lunch room. I even spent my lunch hour in that lunch room, reading my book and sipping on my shake, 3 feet away from the goodies and not even craving them a bit.

I resisted major temptation. I think it's a step in the right direction. Maybe I can chose the right path this time around. Maybe?
~Love Em~


Anonymous said...

Nice job! When I gave up sugar for several months a couple years ago I found that after the first couple months I really had no desire for it at all anymore, and when I would eat it after that I wouldn't want very much of it. It wont be hard every time. You're building good habits! Congrats on the loss!

FatGirl said...

I've heard that! I really hope that my cravings go away. It's whats killed me here at work!
Sit at a desk all day and add some sugar and flour and you've got yourself a real health problem.
I like the veggies when I prepare them. But its the getting myself to decide to have them instead of something else that is the hard part... Ack!